Celebrity T

Celebrity TSometimes I entertain myself by surfing the web looking for the offspring of our Holsteiner stallion Clintord I making their appearances in Europe. Last night I ran across the results of Katrinelund, the Danish Warmblood licensing event just held this month in Denmark. Clintord’s daughter Celebrity T was the champion in jumping performance for 3 year old mares. Congratulations to Celebrity T and her breeder Annette Juhl Taldorf of Stutteri Taldorf in Olgod, Denmark.

Remarks of the judges are included thanks to Brian Bech-Hansen, who made the translation for me, commenting: “Wow did I not realize how difficult it is to translate horse technical language from one language to another 🙂

In Danish:

Efter Clintord I/Linaro/Caletto II/Calypso II, Stamme 3030
Hun er den eneste hoppe i Danmark efter Clintord I
Fløjhoppe med bla. 8,5 for teknik og kapacitet
Hun blev bla. rost for sin type, ædelhedsgrad, og at hun er en udtryksfuld og feminin hoppe, med en særdeles god skulder, overlinie, smidige og gode velafbalanceret og rummelige galop, samt at hun springer med godt overblik og rytme, med en særdeles god og smidig teknik og stor kapacitet

In English

Out of Clintord I/Linaro/Caletto II.Calypso II, Line 3030

She is the only mare in Denmark out of Clintord I

Best mare with 8.5 for technical and capacity.

She was among other things praised for her type, thoroughbred percentage and that she is an eye catcher, a feminine mare with a good shoulder and over line, she is elastic, well balanced and has a large canter and she is jumping with a great overall control, rhythm and with a very good and elastic technique and great capacity.

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  1. Pingback: The Danish Connection | Cross Creek Farms Inc.

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